Monday, July 28

From Keith....

So here we are on what we consider the "real" part of our trip.
To get to Calgary was just another ride across the country on boring 4 lane highways but now we are on 2 lane pavement that winds through beautiful rolling hills and climbs mountain passes.
Well worth the "super slabbing'"to get here!
The choice is to take the western route into the interior of BC and then up to the Alaska Highway near Watson.
It's roughly 3400km from Calgary to Anchorage but the scenery helps the time and distance go by easily.
Today is day 10 and by lunch time we will no longer be going west but will start the northward trek to Anchorage. The weather promises to be sunny and warm but as always, the mountains can throw different weather at you at a moments notice.
I estimate we should arrive there somewhere around next Friday.
This is all dependent on what we see and where we might decide to stop.
Our only real deadline is to be back in Toronto by August 24th.
I would like to take this time for a call out to a few people "along the way"
Scotty and Paul at Ontario Cycle salvage who help keep the bikes running smoothly.
Tessa (an old friend )from Cosy Critters who is making sure our cat stays fit and sane.
Tim and Brenda who put up some strange Canadian people for the night in Wisconsin Minnesota.
To all the people that gave tips on what to do and see and finally to mom and dad who gave me the desire to travel and see new places.
Mom,the late adopter computer user, is following the blog as we go :)
And my buddy Burns who is keeping the petro industry alive with his "new" vehicle!

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